Serves 4, Ready in 10 Minutes

Kaymak is a thick cream, used across the Balkans and Turkey and is similar to clotted cream. I love using it in custard as a substitute for the traditionally used double cream. This custard can be enjoyed hot or cold and I love using it as a topping for cakes or served alone with stewed fruits.


100g Kaymak

350ml Whole milk

2x Egg yolks

1.5 Tablespoons of cornflour

50g Caster sugar

1/2 Teaspoon vanilla bean paste


  1. Whisk together the kaymak and milk in a saucepan set aside.

  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, cornflour, sugar and vanilla and set aside.

  3. Heat the milk and kaymak over a low-medium heat, stirring frequently until it reaches just below boiling temperature.

  4. When the milk is ready, take it off the heat and slowly pour it into the egg mix, whisking continually.

  5. Pour the custard into a clean saucepan and heat gently, stirring frequently until the custard thickens but before any lumps form. When it’s ready, remove from the heat and serve immediately or leave to cool, depending on how you’d like to use it.
